Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Clapping Games in Guatemala

Hi everyone!

Sorry it's been such a lot time since I updated this blog!  Since my last post, I've been to Thailand, Malaysia, and now Guatemala!  In Thailand, my team and I taught preschool to refugee kids.  A refugee is a person who has left his or her country for safety reasons.  Many of the families I met had left their countries because they were not allowed to practice Christianity openly there.

In Malaysia, I worked at a school.  The class I was in was for 7-9 year olds.  It was very different from most schools in America.  The students either came for four hours in the morning or four hours in the afternoon.  You might have "Center Time" in your classroom, when you work on tasks by yourself or in a small group while your teacher works with different groups of kids.  This school in Malaysia was basically like that for the whole day.

In Guatemala this month, I worked at a home for girls who are not able to live with their families.  They like to do a lot of the same things that you like to do - play sports, watch movies, color, play card games, read, and dance.  In the video at the top of this page, you can learn some popular clapping games that the girls enjoy playing.  In Guatemala, they speak Spanish.  Here are some Spanish words you might like:

Hola - hello
Adios - goodbye
Como estas? - How are you?
Bien - Good
Y tu? (pronounced "Eee too?") - And you?
Yo - me
Tu - you
Amigo/amiga - friend
Salud! - Bless you (when someone sneezes)
Cuantos anos tienes? - How old are you?

Until next time!
Miss Jacobs

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Kids in Cambodia

This month, we got to meet kids in many different classes here in Cambodia!  I am attaching a video where 10-12 year old students answer the questions: What do you like to eat?  What do you like to do for fun? and What do you want to be when you grow up?


Monday, January 18, 2016

Hello from Nepal!

Hi everyone!  Sorry I never got to post a blog from India.  If you'd like to read what Christmas in India was like, you can check it out on my other blog,

This month I am in Nepal!  There was an earthquake here nine months ago, and we've been seeing a lot of the damage.  I just got back to the city after spending five days in a mountain village.  While I was there, I made friends with two sisters, Martha (age 13) and Sophia (age 9).  They used to live in a nice house, but it was badly damaged in the earthquake.  Now, they live with their mother, father, and little sister in a house made of tin and steel pipe.  Even though they lost a lot in the earthquake, they are still sweet, happy girls!  Martha showed me how to cook in her house.  You can check out the video by clicking on this link: 
Martha Making Lunch

Until next time!

Miss Jacobs